Age 18+
1056 King Street, Charleston, SC
Saturday, January 18th | 10:00am - 4:00pm

Silver Cuff Bracelet Fabrication Workshop
Date: Saturday, January 18th 2024
Time: 10:00-4:00 pm
Instructor: Kaminer Haislip, Adjunct Professor of Silversmithing
Cost: $255 for Members / $300 for NonMembers
*Membership Discount applied at checkout. *
Age: 18+
Students will handcraft a sterling silver cuff bracelet and learn beginner jewelry skills in
the American College of the Building Arts jewelry and metalsmithing studio.
Techniques include:
- piercing,
- filing
- soldering
- fabrication
- forming
- hammering
- polishing
All metalsmithing tools, quiptment, and materials are provided. We ask that students bring Sharpie marker, plain white paper, pencil, eraser, and ruler to design their bracelet. No experience necessary!
Redux Unlimited members are elligable for a 50% discount
Redux Contemporary Art Center may cancel any class with insufficient enrollment; students will be notified and given a full refund. If a student withdraws at least 48 hours before the class begins, they will be refunded their tuition minus an administrative fee. If a student withdraws within 48 hours before the class begins, no refunds will be given. Students are not enrolled until complete payment is received. Redux will not pro-rate or offer make-up days for student absences.