20,000 Art Leagues Under the Sea | June 9th - 13th | 9am - 11:30am


Ages 9 - 11


1056 King Street, Charleston SC 29403

Date & Time

June 24th-28th | 9am-11:30am

20,000 Art Leagues Under the Sea 


Date: June 9th - 13th, 2025

Time: 9:00 - 11:30am

Teaching Artist: Cindy Jesup

Ages: 9 - 11

Cost:  $230 for NonMembers/$195 for Redux Members  *Membership Discount applied at checkout*


Dive deep into the visual arts with the help of Redux studio artist Cindy Jesup in our first summer camp of the season! Campers will explore mediums like printmaking, drawing, sculpture, bookmaking, and more in this week-long half-day camp. They will get to discover new materials while making projects like reduction prints, a tunnel book, and pipe cleaner sculptures of their favorite sea creatures. So grab a paintbrush and snorkeling gear, and get ready to discover where the ocean and art overlap. 


Partial and Full Schoalrships for all camps are available HERE! Scholarship Appliactions are also avaible in person at Redux's front desk. 





Classes/Workshops and Camps: Redux Contemporary Art Center may cancel any class with insufficient enrollment; students will be notified and given a full refund. If a student withdraws at least 48 hours before the class begins, they will be refunded their tuition minus an administrative fee. If a student withdraws within 48 hours before the class begins, no refunds will be given. Students are not enrolled until complete payment is received. Redux will not pro-rate or offer make-up days for student absences.

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